Secure messaging application for your office without an Internet and servers
Keep track of your messages by saving them locally or to a network share. View, search through and print out your correspondence with other employees using the built-in History Viewer.

Offline Messaging
Colleagues see your messages when they come back online. No dedicated storage or server needed.
File Transfer
Exchanging files and folders is a breeze via drag-and-drop on the conversation or user icon!
Broadcast File Transfer
Send files or folders to several colleagues at once using a broadcast message/group conversation.
User Groups
Arrange corporate users by job title or department adding employees to several groups if necessary.

LAN, WAN, VPN and VLAN Support
RealPopup LAN chat connects all corporate subnets and locations seamlessly to create a uniform messaging ecosystem. You can connect the subnetworks in three ways — physically, virtually, and via a virtual private network. Refer to our detailed help section to configure the program system.